Since thieves, murderers, and rapists cannot be identified by their appearance women need some other means to help them identify these men less they destroy lives. We wrote Life Saving Advice to give women some of their characteristics: such as the man who stands outside the apartment complex smoking. You think his wife or girlfriend ordered him to smoke outside. Actually he is on a reconnaissance mission. He is watching when you come and go. When the lights come on or go off in your apartment and what rooms the lights are in. He is watching what car you regularly drive. This is how Dawn Bruce, 22, of Richmond, Virginia was killed by her neighbour, Mr. Robert Douglas Knight. Mr. Knight was sentenced to four life terms yet in 1994 he was eligible for parole if he served 26 years in prison, which means in 2020 a man who raped, sodomized and stabbed a woman in the heart while she was sleeping will be set free. The women in this country need to be terrified that this man is getting out. Never assume a man is not watching.
Page Count : 248 Pages
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