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The Recidivist (Volume 4 – Part 2)



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In Volume, Four Part Two, we will be discussing a particular recidivist and his victim. We will be discussing the dissatisfied husband, the angry husband; the man who finds the only solution to his problem is murder. We will be discussing a repeat offender. The man who uses the excuse I lost my temper every time he uses violence against his wife and children. We will be discussing the man who tells his wife on one occasion “You better or else.” After he batters his wife he will come home the next day with flowers saying, “I will never do it again.” “Please accept these flowers as a sign of my apology.” “Go out and buy yourself something nice. I want you to believe that I do care about you.” “I want you to know that I just lost my temper I will never do that again.”

The repeat offender is man unique unto his craft. He has the advantage because he knows his prey. He understands that his victim wants the marriage to work. He understands that his victim wants her children to be raised with their father. He knows that his victim is willing to do almost anything to help him with his addiction, his alcoholism. She wants to be one of the winners, a winner who has a marriage that does not fail. He knows that she is willing to work day in and day out so things will be right with them. He knows of her loyalty because she does not receive a single phone call at home. No one calls her. No one asks her to go out on the town with the girls. No one ask her to go bowling. She is alone; the most vulnerable position for a woman. He knows all of this because she has demonstrated her desire when she allowed him to separate her from her friends and family. He knows all these things yet he continues his offenses time and time again to insure compliance.
See caution note above:

Page count : 500
Size : 8 ½ by 11




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